
Hello there!

My name is Nate Hoffelder, and I build websites for authors.  You can find out more about me on my site, NateHoffelder.com, and on my blog, The Digital Reader.

Let me tell you a little about Author Website in a Box.

The Inspiration

You’re probably wondering why I would go through the effort of building a complete author website just to give it away.

It’s not about selling my services; that actually came later.

The idea  for “Author Website in a Box” was inspired  by a new client who came to me with a custom WordPress theme that cost far more than I thought it was worth. Obviously I can’t tell you anything about the client, but the theme they had is very well-known in author circles, and it was built specifically for authors. Many people think it is the cat’s meow, but once I looked at it behind the scenes I could see that it was a very simple theme with almost no unique features.

After about a week of working with that client’s site, I realized that I could build a WP site that worked just as well as that expensive theme. That realization grew into AWinaBox, and once I built it, I decided I would give it away, thus helping authors everywhere by giving them a cheap option for a decent-looking website.

And that is how AWinaBox 1.0 came about. I thought it worked great, but a year of deploying it on author websites showed me that there was room for improvement.  The 1.0 design had far too many parts which authors did not need, and it was built using a theme which wasn’t very easy to use.

So I developed AWinaBox 2.0 – the same great concept, only not quite so complicated.I hope you like it as much as I do!